I decided to try buying kitchen-size trash bags with an odor-block feature. I put the kitchen bag down through the chute and tuck the top around the top of the area that you open to install an official refill. Then when the whole thing is full, instead of tearing the bag and knotting it to start a new one, I just take the old bag out and put a new bag in. Turns out it works fine. When the diaper genie is full it is the equivalent of 1/2 a kitchen trash bag! Since I bought the kitchen bags specifically for the diaper genie, I don't feel like I need to fill the other half of the bag to get my money's worth or something...but, just saying, each of the official refills basically holds less than two kitchen trash bags worth of diapers. For $7-11+.
So, with the official refill you're spending $1.75-2.75 per bag, and you have to do the awkward cut and tie with a full bag of diapers, but it looks a little prettier because no portion of the bag is exposed outside the system.
With Hefty 45 Count 13 Gallon Cinch Sak? Tall Kitchen Bags E86755 you're spending .17 per bag, and it is less awkward, but it is not as pretty because top of the bag shows outside the system.
I guess it just depends on what is important to you, but we'd much rather have the top of the bag show and get 10 times as many bags for the same price. This also means that we don't have to remember to buy bags often at all. We just bought a box of 45 bags and it's lasting quite a while.
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